General Information 4/5
The new game formats in the youth football structure also bring about a change in the role of the referee during the game. These changes bring the refereeing role into line with each game format and the age of the players. Step by step, youthful footballers can identify with the independent person monitoring the game's progress and their application of the rules of play. Ultimately, they will graduate to a club referee when they reach the age to play the 11v11 game format.
The new Supervisor in the 6v6 format
Refereeing 2 versus 2 and 4 versus 4
There is no specific refereeing role for this game format. One or more of the children's supervisors monitors the flow of the game. The various surveys, pilots and workshops indicate that the youthful footballers are able to take the necessary decisions amongst themselves.
Refereeing the 6 versus 6 game format
The flow of play in the 6v6 game format is monitored by a so-called match supervisor. The home base of this match supervisor is along the sideline, moving up and down the line with the flow of play. Should it be necessary, the match supervisor can move onto the pitch. The match supervisor monitors the rules of play and explains them when appropriate. Only in an unclear situation will the match supervisor blow the whistle and take a decision.
Refereeing the 8 versus 8 game format
A Youth Football referee is on hand to supervise this game format and be in charge of the match. This role is unchanged compared to the former refereeing role.
A match supervisor's training
The Academy ensures, together with the Refereeing department, that training in this respect is ready for the clubs at the end of the season. An eye is also kept on the link to the training of Youth Football referees. A number of clubs will be involved in this process so that the training provided is a seamless fit with club requirements.
All club referee coordinators will be conscientiously kept abreast of what's ahead.